As dental practices continually advance, more and more general dentists are expanding their knowledge of available techniques that help preserve the health of their patients. In the case of dental implants, it is not uncommon for a general dentist to perform the implant placement for those who are viable candidates. But while advanced technology and their training can help guarantee the success of the procedure, it is often best to seek help from a more experienced specialist. Oral surgeons have extensive training and are intimately familiar with the structural component of your oral anatomy.
Who Can Place Implants, and When?
General dentists are typically able to place implants under the right circumstances, namely immediately after teeth are lost. If missing teeth are left untreated for too long, other procedures will be necessary in order for the patient to be a viable candidate. Candidates for dental implants possess healthy gums and adequate jawbone strength, which diminishes without proper stimulation from roots and teeth. Preparatory procedures include bone grafts, sinus lifts, and ridge augmentation, and are typically performed by qualified oral surgeons.
What General Dentists are (and are not) Prepared For
While dental implant placement training is a valuable resource, it is not enough to guarantee a successful procedure wherein all precautions are accounted for. Ideally, the professional installing implants should also have training in advanced sedation and emergency surgeries. Dental implant placement is a safe procedure, but it pays to be prepared for unexpected complications that can arise.
Beyond the issue of experience with implant placement, preparation is the number one reason an oral surgeon should oversee your implant procedure. Think of it like this – while you may trust your family practitioner to treat you when you experience common illnesses, you would want a professional with specific qualifications to oversee your care in severe situations, especially those involving surgery.
More than anything, it’s important to remember that general dentists have your best interest in mind, but their experience is focused on gums and teeth. When it comes to any form of oral surgery, especially dental implants, trust an oral surgeon to renew your smile.
Do you need to replace missing teeth with dental implants in Calgary? Call Willowbrook Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center today to schedule a consultation!