Why Should an Oral Surgeon Place Implants?
As dental practices continually advance, more and more general dentists are expanding their knowledge of available techniques that help preserve the health of their patients. In the case of dental imp...
The Cosmetic Side of Oral Surgery
A healthy smile, more often than not, is one that is considered beautiful. So if certain aspects of your oral anatomy conflict with your personal aesthetics, it may be useful to consider the health be...
The Role of Sedation in Oral Surgery
Whether you require extensive oral surgery or simply need help relaxing during an appointment, sedation allows your treatment to run smoothly. Complex procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions take ...
What Happens When You Lose Teeth
Our mouths were meant to house a full set of teeth. When even one is lost, a chain reaction occurs that can seriously compromise both your smile and oral health. Even if a lost tooth is not visible in...