Willowbrook Oral & Maxilliofacial Surgery - Anesthesia, facial trauma, impacted canines, jaw surgery, oral pathology, pre-prosthetic, sleep apnea & wisdom tooth surgery.
6351 197th #301 St Langley BC V2Y 1X8 - VIEW ON MAP 604-532-9686

Orthognathic / Corrective Jaw Surgery

Orthodontic treatment alone can usually correct poor bites. However, when the two jaws are different in size, shape or position, orthodontics by itself may not be able to establish a correct bite. Orthognathic surgery (corrective jaw surgery) then becomes necessary. Corrective jaw surgery can involve repositioning either the upper jaw, the lower jaw, or both. The teeth are initially straightened with orthodontics, jaw surgery is then performed to reposition the misaligned jaw(s). This not only improves the facial appearance but also ensures that teeth meet correctly and function properly.

Growth disturbances of the jaws can exist at birth, be acquired after birth as a result of hereditary or environmental influences, or develop following trauma to the face.You may benefit from corrective jaw surgery if:

  • Your lower jaw protrudes
  • Your chin is recessed
  • Your face is asymmetric
  • You have obstructive sleep apnea
  • You have difficulty chewing food
  • You have difficulty closing your lips together
  • You have a gummy smile

Orthognathic Surgery (Corrective Jaw Surgery)

Nearly 5% of the population present with dentofacial problems that are not amenable to orthodontic treatment alone and require orthognathic surgery (also referred to as corrective jaw surgery) as a part of their treatment to achieve a proper bite (occlusion). Patients requiring orthognathic surgery are typically referred to our office by an Orthodontist. Corrective jaw surgery treatment is closely coordinated with the Orthodontist. Braces are required for 12 – 18 months prior to surgery to align the teeth in preparation for surgical realignment of the jaw(s). Corrective jaw surgery is then performed with the braces on the teeth to help position the jaws at the time of surgery. The surgical procedure to move the upper jaw most commonly involves a LeFort I maxillary osteotomy. The surgical procedure to move the lower jaw most commonly involves bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. The jaws are held in their new position with small titanium plates and screws. Following a 6 week healing period, the Orthodontist will require 6 – 12 months of further orthodontic treatment to finalize the bite.

Before any treatment begins, a consultation will be held to perform a complete examination with x-rays. During the pre-treatment consultation process, feel free to ask any questions that you have regarding your treatment.

Contact Us for More Information About Orthognathic / Corrective Jaw Surgery Today

Orthognathic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia at Langley Memorial Hospital. Please contact us for information about orthognathic/jaw surgery or to arrange for a consultation appointment. Call us today at (604) 532-9686.