Welcome Back!
Our team is looking forward to returning to patient care and establishing our "new normal!"
To ensure that we continue to provide a safe clinical environment for our patients and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to surpassing all recommended guidelines.
Following direction by the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia, the BC Centre for Disease Control and WorksafeBC, the protocols that we have implemented include:
- Pre-screening for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors 24 - 72 hours prior to all appointments and again upon arrival at the clinic.
- Upon arrival at the clinic, all patients will have their temperatures taken and will be asked to perform hand hygiene with provided sanitizer.
- To limit the number of people in the clinic at one time, patients will be asked to remain in their car until we call them up for their appointment.
- Admittance to the office is limited to patients only, except in the instance of a child requiring a guardian or a patient who may require special assistance.
- There are plexiglass barriers in place in the reception area.
Certain procedures may require the surgical team members to wear enhanced protective equipment such as goggles, face shields, respirator masks and gowns.
At this time we are working hard to reschedule appointments that may have been postponed due to COVID-19. We are prioritizing patients requiring emergent or urgent care. If you are experiencing pain, signs of infection or facial swelling please call our office at 604-532-9686 to speak to a staff member.
We thank you for your patience and support as we strive to provide safe and appropriate care for all our patients.
Dr. Curtis Gill and Team