Sleep Apnea Surgery
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition characterized by the frequent collapse of the upper airway during sleep which prevents you from being able to breathe for a period of time. It affects between 3-7% of the adult population. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea have disrupted sleep patterns which can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, depression and loss of concentration. Repeated blockage of the upper airway causes low blood oxygen levels and can eventually lead to serious health problems including high blood pressure, heart attacks, and stroke.
When obstructive sleep apnea occurs, the tongue and the soft tissues in the throat collapse and block the airway and the flow of air into your lungs stop. When the oxygen level in the blood becomes low enough, an individual is aroused, the obstruction in the throat clears, and the flow of air starts again, usually with a loud gasp.
The first step in treatment is the recognition of symptoms and seeking appropriate medical consultation. During your consultation appointment, a detailed history will be taken, and an examination will be performed to ascertain the level of obstruction. To confirm the amount of airway obstruction and decreased oxygenation levels, a sleep study may be recommended to monitor an individual overnight.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
There are several treatment options for the management of OSA. Initial treatment often consists of using a nasal CPAP machine that delivers pressurized oxygen through a nasal mask to limit obstruction at night. There are also many surgical options. In more complex cases, the bones of the upper and lower jaw may be repositioned to increase the size of the airway. This procedure is known as Maxillo-Mandibular Advancement. It is performed in the hospital under general anaesthesia and requires a one to two day overnight stay in the hospital.
Maxillomandibular advancement is an effective surgical treatment for obstructive sleep apnea the goal of maxillomandibular advancement is to move the lower jaw 1 cm forward to open the airway and decrease obstruction a chin advancement (genioplasty) may also be recommended to further open the upper airway. With a background in both ENT and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Gill is uniquely qualified to surgically manage Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Contact Us for More Information About Sleep Apnea Surgery Today
Please contact us for information about sleep apnea surgery or to arrange for a consultation appointment call us at 604-532-9686.
“Excellence in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”